Symptoms and treatment of Campylobacter


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Food poisoning is unfortunately one of the most common reasons for visits to the doctor or emergency room. These spaces must be prepared to be able to carry out the relevant laboratory tests, either in-house or with the help of an external laboratory.
Dentro de este tipo de afecciones hoy queremos hablar de la
bacteria campylobacter.


This type of illness is in fact the most common food-borne illness in the EU, which is why it is essential to detect it in time and to be able to offer appropriate treatment, since like any food poisoning, it causes a lot of discomfort and pain to the patient suffering from it. Although it does not usually become a major problem, if it is not treated carefully and according to the instructions given, the situation may worsen.


What is food poisoning?

Before discussing campylobacter bacteria, it is important to explain what food poisoning is and what causes it. When a person consumes a contaminated food, the body interprets it as a threat, assimilating it to a disease transmitted through contaminated food and drink. These foods contain a spoiled germ that, when ingested, causes negative symptoms. The most common symptoms are stomach upset, diarrhoea and vomiting.

These symptoms usually appear hours or even days after eating the contaminated food. They are usually mild and most people recover without treatment. However, it is true that there are cases where food poisoning can lead to more serious illness or complications.

Before continuing, it is important to clarify that the term ‘food poisoning’ is popularly used to refer to almost all illnesses related to the ingestion of contaminated food. However, a health professional will use more specific terms, such as:


Food-borne diseases

Refers to all diseases caused by contaminated food or drink.

Food poisoning

It covers all diseases caused by toxins in food. In this case it is said to be a type of food-borne disease.


How is food contaminated?

Food can become contaminated at any stage, from its origin until it reaches our hands. This process can begin during growing, harvesting or catching, processing, storage, transport or preparation. In fact, that the bacteria campylobacter contaminates food can occur wherever food is handled, including the homes of the customers who have purchased them, due to factors such as:

Incorrect hand washing

Traces of faeces on hands after toileting can infect food, just as other contaminants can be transferred from hands when preparing or serving food.

Lack of disinfection

Failure to properly clean cooking and eating areas can spread contaminants. Utensils such as knives and cutting boards that are not washed properly can act as a breeding ground for bacteria and other pathogens.

Inadequate storage

Food kept at room temperature for too long can become contaminated and if stored in the refrigerator can expire, so always check the expiry date and the condition of the food before consumption.


What is Campylobacter?

This bacterium is one of the most famous forms of food poisoning because it is responsible for a disease known as.
Con más de 246,000 casos anuales en la UE, esta enfermedad es la más comúnmente transmitida por alimentos en la región.
Este tipo de afección es
zoonotic campylobacteriosis, i.e. it can be transmitted directly or indirectly between animals and humans..
En el caso de
Campylobacter in particular, themost comon symptomes include fever, diarrhoea and abdominal cramps. The process of acquiring campylobacteriosis usually involves exposure to bacteria Campylobacter, which are transmitted mainly through contaminated food..
Eso sí, existen algunos más propensos a ser contaminados por esta bacteria:

Raw or undercooked meat

Raw poultry meat is a common source of Campylobacteras the bacteria can live in the gut of poultry without causing harm. Eating chicken meat, if not fully cooked, can lead to ingestion of the bacteria.


As mentioned above, kitchen utensils such as knives or cutting boards that have been in contact with raw meat can transfer the bacteria to other foods if they are not properly cleaned.

Prepared food

Ready-to-eat foods that have been in contact with raw poultry or contaminated surfaces can carry Campylobacter.

Raw milk

Drinking unpasteurised milk can be a source of infection if it is already contaminated.


Drinking contaminated water, particularly from untreated or poorly managed sources, can also be a form of exposure to Campylobacter.

Contact with infected animals

Direct contact with birds, livestock or their droppings can transmit the bacteria.



Treatment of Campylobacter infection generally focuses on relieving symptoms so that the immune system fights the infection..
Existen varias formas de ayudarle a vencer esta intoxicación:

General treatment

Diarrhoea and vomiting, common symptoms of Campylobacter infection, can cause significant fluid and electrolyte loss. It is therefore crucial to maintain adequate rehydration by drinking clear fluids and oral rehydration solutions to replace lost fluids.

During convalescence, a bland, easily digestible diet, such as rice, banana or toast, is recommended to avoid irritating the stomach. It is important to avoid fatty, spicy or dairy foods until the patient is fully recovered. In addition, rest is essential to allow the body to recover from the infection.

Pharmacological treatment

In most cases campylobacteriosis resolves without the need for antibiotics, as the immune system usually manages the infection on its own. However, these medicines may be necessary in severe cases or when complications occur.
Los más empleados en este caso son
azithromycin and ciprofloxacin.
Su elección dependerá de la resistencia bacteriana local y de la gravedad de los síntomas.


Although it is often recommended to avoid anti-diarrhoeal medicines in case of bacterial infections, as they may prolong the infection by retaining bacteria in the gut, in some specific cases they may be useful under the guidance of a health professional.


Medical consultation

People with compromised immune systems, such as the elderly, children and pregnant women, should seek specialised medical attention if they develop symptoms of campylobacteriosis.

However, if symptoms in any patient are severe, persistent or complications such as high fever, severe dehydration or neurological symptoms (such as weakness or difficulty walking) develop, it is essential to seek immediate medical attention. Specific treatment will depend on the health care provider’s recommendations and the severity of the infection.



As Campylobacter is transmitted by the consumption of food contaminated by this bacterium, it is possible to carry out preventive actions by the public and the companies that handle these foods. Hygiene and care will always help to avoid transmitting the bacteria to other pieces of food, although it is always preferable to eradicate it from the outset:

Cooking food

Be sure to cook poultry meat to an internal temperature of at least 75°C to kill any bacteria present.

Safe food handling

In cases of food poisoning, such as that caused by Campylobacter bacteria, it is crucial to wash hands, cooking utensils and surfaces thoroughly after handling raw meat. In addition, it is advisable to use separate cutting boards for raw meat and other foods to avoid cross-contamination.

Hygiene in the kitchen

It is imperative to maintain good general hygiene in the kitchen, including regular cleaning of surfaces and utensils.

Avoid unpasteurised milk

Health professionals will always recommend, except in specific cases, the consumption of pasteurised milk instead of raw milk to ensure greater food safety.


Patients should ensure that they drink treated and safe water, avoiding potentially contaminated or unknown sources.


The role of the EU

Given that Campylobacter are one of the most common bacteria contaminating people in the EU, the EU has decided to take an integrated approach to food safety, from farm to fork. This generates a risk assessment and the adoption of risk management measures..
La comunicación de estos de manera eficaz es fundamental para este enfoque, por lo que la EFSA (autoridad europea de seguridad alimentaria) proporciona a los consumidores apoyo y asesoramiento científico independiente sobre la seguridad alimentaria de
Su labor incluye
collect and analyse data on the prevalence of this bacterium, assess the risks it poses and advise on possible control and mitigation options.

This requires specialised laboratories that are able to analyse such samples and locate the problem. That is why at Ambar Lab we work so that our wide and growing catalogue of tests answers these questions, because we know that knowledge is the key that makes our clients’ work easier. If you want to know more about our services, just get in touch with our team. Shall we talk?

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